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Training & Free Resources


Adverse Childhood Experiences(ACE’s) – £5 Training

Adverse Childhood Experiences(ACEs)

An Introduction to ‘Whole Family’ Working – Free Training

Staffordshire County Council are pleased to announce the launch of a new training course which is available for our multi-agency Staffordshire partners to access free of charge. Please click here for further details

Child Safety Campaigns – Free Resources

Please click on this link to take you to the Child Safety Campaigns

Child Sexual Exploitation -Free Resources

The International Centre: Researching Child Sexual Exploitation, Violence and Trafficking at the University of Bedfordshire has produced 12 short films for anyone who wants to access key learning about child sexual exploitation from their latest research.

Take a look at the films at University of Bedfordshire 

How do I know if I’m being groomed?

Voice box, Childline’s weekly video chat, features Lucy Fallon who plays Bethany Platt in Coronation Street and Helen, a Childline counsellor, talking about grooming. They give advice on how to spot the signs of grooming and how young people can get support if they are worried that they or a friend are being groomed.

Source: YouTube  Date: 07 June 2017

Further information: Childline

Free External E-Learning Training

Keeping them Safe: Protecting Children from Child Sexual Exploitation

Child Criminal Exploitation and County Lines 

Early Help Assessment Training – Free Training

This training is for Designated Leads for your organisation and other practitioners who will be undertaking an Early Help assessment in Staffordshire. The program will be delivered over two half-day workshops and is aimed to increase your understanding of Early Help.

To find out more information and to book your place visit here

E-Safety – Free Resources

Female Genital Mutilation – Free Resources

Please see below three YouTube clips of different perspectives:

Video 1

Video 2

Video 3

Free External E-Learning Training

Female Genital Mutilation

Forced Marriage – Free Resources & E-learning

A forced marriage is where one or both people do not (or in cases of people with learning disabilities or reduced capacity, cannot) consent to the marriage as they are pressurised, or abuse is used, to force them to do so. It is recognised in the UK as a form of domestic or child abuse and a serious abuse of human rights.
Please click here for more information and resources.

Free External E-Learning Training

An Awareness of Forced Marriage

Graded Care Profile 2 – Free Training

Staffordshire Safeguarding Children Board have launched the NSPCC Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) toolkit to help you identify and assess neglect in children across Staffordshire.

Supporting GCP2 –
To enable you to contribute to a GCP2 assessments even if you don’t work with families and children in the home. It also helps with recognising low level neglect and gives you the knowledge to understand the importance of doing a GCP2 at the earliest opportunity.

GCP2 Masterclass –
For all front-line staff from all agencies who work directly with families and children in the home environment.

To find out more information and to book your place visit here

How to be a Lead Worker – Free Training
‘In the revised Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023, a lead worker is also referred to as a Lead Practitioner’.

This free bespoke training from Staffordshire County Council is specifically designed for multi-agency practitioners who work directly with families.

The aim of this session is to equip learners with the skills required to become an effective lead worker, benefitting, and improving the lives of families across Staffordshire.

Please click here for further details

Intra-Familial Child Sexual Abuse – Free Resources

Intra-familial child sexual abuse refers to child sexual abuse (CSA) that occurs within a family environment. Perpetrators may or may not be related to the child. The key consideration is whether the abuser feels like family from the child’s point of view.
Please click here for more information and resources.

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking – Free Training

Free External E-Learning Training

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

Prevent – Free Training

Free External E-Learning Training


Probation,  Person Posing a Risk to Children (PPRC) and Level of Risk – Free Resource

Free recorded webinar exploring the work of the Probation Service. Persons Posing a Risk to Children (PPRC) and levels of risk that probation use when dealing with offenders. Please click here

Reducing Parental Conflict Training – Free Training

For more information for the below Staffordshire County Council free training please click here

Promoting Healthy Parental Relationships – understanding parental conflict

Parental Conflict and the Impact on Children – for schools and settings

Having Courageous Conversations with Parents and Carers

Working with Separated Parents – practical tips

Working with Dads and Significant Males

When Couples Become Carers – parental relationships where children have SEND

Safer Sleep Awareness Workshop – Free Virtual Training & Resources

To increase awareness and knowledge of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and your role in the prevention and reduction.

To find out more information and to book your place visit here

Resources –

Small YouTube clips from the lullaby trust that are FREE please click here.

Unintentional Injuries among Children under 5 – Free Virtual Training & Training

To increase awareness and knowledge of unintentional injuries among children under 5 and to raise awareness of deliberate injuries that may occur. Your role in the prevention and reduction of injuries. Note: this session focus’ on childhood accidents.

To find out more information and to book your place visit here

Abusive Head Trauma –
ICON is all about helping people who care for babies to cope with crying. Please click here for helpful resources and videos.